Give Your Child a Skill That Will
Guarantee Their Success
This is the same skill used by Presidents, Prime Ministers, and top-level CEOs!
Empowering Future Leaders
Skilled communicators succeed. They perform better in school, make more money, and attain positions of influence in their careers.
As a loving parent, you want your child to achieve these goals and more. But powerful communication skills don’t develop overnight. You can’t wait until they’re in college to start building communication skills and confidence. By then it will be too late. Start now, today.
When you register your child for The Public Speaking & Debate Course,
you give them to tools to:
Improve their Grades
in English
Build Better Friendships
Gain Coveted Internships
Ace College Admissions' Interviews
Run for Student
Leadership Positions
Express Fearlessly
and Confidently
Get selected for Speech and Debate Tournaments
Achieve their
Highest Potential
Gain Respect
and Popularity
Even the most fearful and hesitant communicator can build the skills to become a confident speaker. All they need is the right support and plenty of time to practice. Every minute you wait is another opportunity lost.
Your Child Can Become a
Skilled Communicator!
Your child can learn the skills and mindset to communicate confidently, even if they...
🔷 have a fear of public speaking
🔷 lack confidence in their English language skills
🔷 avoid school and community events out of fear
🔷 struggle to communicate their ideas
Weak communication skills might keep your child from running for student council or getting top grades in presentations today. Maybe that doesn’t sound like a huge problem.
But today’s presentation is tomorrow’s doctorate dissertation. That seat on the student council could have prepared them to sit on a board of directors, or even become president one day.

Great CEOs, Lawyers, Doctors, Artists, and Senators are Great Communicators.
Meet Harini:
Harini was a shy, quiet 8th grader who often chose not to speak rather than be misunderstood. Her desire to join the Arizona College Prep High School’s speech and debate team seemed like an overly ambitious goal. After all, they were 2020 & 2021 AIA State Champions, how could she ever compete at that level? But after working with her public speaking coach to complete the LeadYouth program, Harini was selected to join the speech and debate club. Imagine where that opportunity will take her.

Build Confidence Through
Public Speaking & Debate
Communication skills empower children to ask for what they need, earn respect, and build strong personal and professional relationships.
If your child:
fears being judged
cannot persuade with confidence
gets embarrassed easily
is shy, introverted, or unmotivated
They need the Public Speaking & Debate Course today. Beyond the mechanics of communication, we help children build a growth mindset. Through practice and targeted feedback, they learn that they can communicate clearly and confidently.
Hundreds of learners from various countries have already taken advantage of our coaching!
Start Transforming Your Child Today
Don’t let fear and embarrassment hold your child back from realizing their full potential. Empower them with the most important tool for success, strong public speaking skills.
The Public Speaking & Debate Course will transform your fearful, withdrawn child into a confident speaker who can:
✅ Turn anxiety into excitement
✅ Develop creative and engaging content
✅ Use effective speaking techniques
✅ Deliver with confidence clarity and power
✅ Express themselves authentically
Enroll them in the Public Speaking & Debate Course by clicking the button below.
An Expert-Designed Program
Designed under the guidance of award-winning international experts, Vince Stevenson and Mike Douse from the College of Public Speaking in London and child psychologist Dr. Krishna Chari of the University of New Mexico, the Public Speaking & Debate Course will:
🔷 Boost your child’s confidence in written, verbal, and nonverbal communication
🔶 Teach coping skills to manage fear and anxiety during public speaking
🔷 Improve your child’s ability to express themselves in front of any audience
🔶 Build a success mindset so your child can reach their highest potential
Dear Loving and Concerned Parent,
You believe in your child. I believe in them, too. I know that with dedication and discipline, our proven program for developing speaking skills can help your child gain the tools and strategies they need to become a more powerful and persuasive speaker. The skills they learn in this program can help them gain confidence, clarify their ideas, speak more persuasively, and effectively lead others.
Communication skills are crucial in every part of life. Learning this single greatest skill will help them become better student leaders, better spouses, better parents, and more successful in their chosen careers.
As the mother of four children and the founder of LeadYouth Education, I’ve seen how communication skills make all of this possible. The ability to speak publicly, to organize and share ideas, and to inspire with words is the foundation of success.
As a parent, why wouldn’t you give your child a legacy of success that will positively influence future generations? Registering your child for the Public Speaking & Debate Course today can assure your family’s success for generations to come. Start Now.
Best Wishes,
Sarat Chakravarthi
Founder & CEO
LeadYouth Education Plus, LLC
Chandler, Arizona, USA

Impactful Speakers Become Extraordinary Leaders
LeadYouth challenges and empowers learners to become extraordinary leaders and impactful speakers.
The Public Speaking & Debate Course is designed by LeadYouth founder, CEO, and coach, Sarat Chakravarthi, with guidance from award-winning speakers and experts in Spoken Communication at the prestigious College of Public Speaking London and child psychologist Dr. Krishna Chari.
We have already coached more than 400 students in the US and Asia. Let us transform your child into a powerful communicator for life.
Why Our Public Speaking & Debate Course Works

Other public speaking programs for kids focus on having fun and hope that children learn along the way. Ours is highly researched and proven to help them gain the confidence and knowledge to speak clearly and confidently in any setting.
We draw on the real-life situations your child is experiencing right now. Children learn to rewire their limiting beliefs, create powerful keystone habits, apply communication theory, and psychology in the real world.
Our youth coaches are relatable, confident leaders, speakers, debaters and writers who serve as excellent role models and powerful influencers. They weren't born communicators; they know the journey and challenges and therefore, are perfect coaches and mentors for our learners.
We make your children believe in what's possible! Once they believe they can be a good communicator, they will eventually become a good communicator.
What do we teach in this course?

The history of communication, speaking psychology, communication theory, principles and application in the real world

How to develop a speaker's personality, influence others, and handle fear and manage nervousness

Background, strategies, and importance of articulating and defending your opinions.

How to create and record a persuasive speech

How to apply rhetoric, universal laws and mantras of public speaking

How to write a rebuttal and crossfire for any debate

The three different areas of communication such as written, verbal, and nonverbal

How to structure a speech for clarity, coherence and impactful delivery

How to deliver a debate case to an audience with appropriate hand gestures and persuasion
Parents and Learners Prefer LeadYouth
Parents know what it takes for their child to become confident, determined, and resilient. They don’t want to sit back and hope that the school curriculum or standard tutoring companies will build public speaking, leadership and EI skills. LeadYouth is the sensible alternative for parents who want their child to be the next leader, entrepreneur or a change maker.
"I am very confident in my knowledge about Public Speaking. I feel my speaking and expression is now authentic, impactful, and persuasive. The videos were simple, short, and engaging. Thank you so much for all your help. "
Deepa C, 15
"Rheya looks forward to her class every Thursday. She is very fond of her coach…I see Rheya willing to take up more challenges which involves speaking and expressing views in school lately. We as parents are very happy seeing Rheya enjoy… moreover not us dragging her to attend the session."
Rashmi (Parent)
“The kids had a lot of fun and we are still talking about it. They consider this as the best course they had ever attended. Thank you for your guidance and making it a memorable experience for Niyathi and Abhinav.”
Amy (Parent)
"Hello Sarat,1. My daughter liked both the sessions so far and found it informative. She is trying to apply what she is learning in all ways possible. Sanjana is a great mentor and my daughter looks up to her, easily able to connect to her and learn from her. 2. Hands down the email communication from LeadYouth team about blog posts, queries, upcoming session reminders, login info, steps, are helpful and the best. The activities during each session also enforces the concepts well."Thank you Sarat for following up with me today."
Geetha (Parent)
"I am always excited for my next class. Usually, I procrastinate when it comes to HW, but I enjoy practicing my debates and look forward to debating in my school's speech and debate club."
Megan M, 14
"Leadership training would be very beneficial for him, to learn and to be assertive and use proper communication skills. Wow, the mentor is amazing! We are very happy to have joined LeadYouth! Thank you for your teaching!"
Vanessa (Parent)
Find the Course to Fit Your Child
The Public Speaking & Debate Course is built around videos based on the guidance of award-winning international experts and featuring student mentors.
Your child will learn:
🔷 How to apply universal laws of public speaking
🔷 How to practice delivery using mental models
🔷 Communication through body language
🔷 How to structure a speech
🔷 To persuade using rhetoric, metaphors, and stylistic devices
🔷 Ways to transform anxiety into excitement
🔷 Argue a professional debate
Because we recognize that every child is different, we offer two course formats. Choose the one that fits your child's learning style.
Don’t Wait. Secure a Successful Future Today.
Effective communication is an essential skill. Don’t hope your child will pick it up along the way. Learning is too important to leave to chance, and it’s probably not in their school curriculum anyway.
Give them a real opportunity to excel with the skill that business leaders and politicians alike call the #1 requirement for success.
Enroll your child in the Public Speaking & Debate Course Today!