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Fear of Failure

Everyone has many hopes and dreams that they want to make true, and everyone has things they want to try. ☀️ However, there is something that is stopping them, and that is fear itself. According to Business Insider Australia, "The highest fear of failure was expressed by respondents in EU economies (40.7%), followed by respondents in Asia and Oceania region (37.5%). In the EU the highest fear of failure rates were recorded in Greece (61.6%), Poland (51.1%), Belgium (49.4%) and Italy (49.1%). In the group of Asian and Oceania economies, the highest fear of failure was expressed by respondents in Japan (54.5%) and Vietnam (50.1%). Australia recorded a fear factor of 39.21%, much higher than the US which came in at 29.66%," this shows how many entrepreneurs are scared of failing. You would think most entrepreneurs are confident in whatever they do, but that's not the case.

Many people are generally afraid of failing, but some might have atychiphobia, which is when we allow fear to stop us from doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals. This is obviously something we don't want, and it's an obstacle that prevents us from reaching our goals or letting us try new things. ☀️

For example, experiencing a traumatic event at some point in your life. Let's say that a few years ago you gave an important presentation in front of a large group, and you did very poorly. You weren't proud of your presentation skills, you were shaky and fidgety, and you almost cried from how downhill the presentation went. The experience might have been so terrible that you became afraid of failing in other things. And here you are, still carrying that fear even now, years later. Everyone has a fear of failing installed in them by default, so we need to figure out ways to deal with it or perhaps avoid this fear of failing or letting others down. But how?

First, we can think about all the potential outcomes before the event. This means to think of every possible good or bad thing that can happen. ☀️That way, you won't feel as bad because you already predicted it. Therefore you predicted a likely outcome. 🙂 Let's go back to the presentation example. If you predicted every possible good or bad thing that can happen, you'd feel a bit more at ease because you know what to expect if the presentation goes good or bad. ☀️

We can also think positively. ☀️ I know it's the most recommended, and everyone tells you to "look on the bright side," but having a more optimistic mindset is actually very helpful in your whole outlook to failing. Failure is not a thing when you think positively, and it is a way of learning. Abdul Kalam made the word "fail" an acronym:

This shows that failure is a way of learning from your mistakes and bettering yourself. Thinking positively like this can significantly help your fear of failing and how you carry and present yourself to others. 🙂 In my previous article, I used the phrase "Don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it,” said by Amy Cuddy. You can use this phrase also to build positivity. In summary, optimism is very beneficial in many ways. ☀️

Overall, having this fear of failing and letting others down is very common. But with a little bit of effort and determination to change this mindset, we can change our perspective on everything. 😊

Key Tips:

🎯 Think about all possible outcomes beforehand.

🎯 Think with an open and positive mind.

🎯 Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

Try these and let me know how it works for you in the comments below! 👇



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Aug 05, 2021

Definitely been there and done that. It reminds me of stopping the swim classes because of an incident which relates to fear of failure. Will try what you suggested.

keep writing sweet heart 💕


Aug 02, 2021

As always great post, for sure will try it out and let you know how it works. keep up the great work.

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